Fred The Godson Wiki, Age, Bio, Net Worth, Girlfriend LeeAnn Jemmott

 Fred The Godson aka Fredrick Thomas was Created on January 1, 1985, Also out of South Bronx, New York, Usa. He had been a South Bronx rapper who passed away at age 35 because of COVID-19 Virus, his death has been supported by his buddy called DJ Self.

He composed on Instagram, he wrote:"was adored by many never heard one bad thing about you RIP @fredthegodsonmusic Sleep Well my brother" On April 23rd he had been on Ventilator and was in the intensive care, according to the origin his fever had been peaked at 105 degrees and awful news was that his kidney function hasn't been functioning.

Unfortunately, he lost the struggle against the COVID-19 virus, even while he had been admitted into the hospital in early April and posted his image after admitted to the Hospital, on April 7th he shared his photograph and wrote"I am in here humor this Corvus 19 shit! Please keep me y’all prayers!!!! ."

On April 1st Fred shared with the film on Instagram and where he had been wearing a mask and composed"Good morning y’all! Throughout it, all of us are still"BLESSED" I expect I have a blessed Wednesday! According to the source, he had been admitted to the hospital at the 1st week of April. Fourteen days back Fred jocked and told his supporters that he had been fighting coronavirus but he lost his life because of COVID-19.

He began his career in the Rapping from South Bronx ghetto of New Yorkhe spent most of his times in a place submerged in drug wars he fought to evadehe attended Monroe high school but he did not focus much on research but rather his mind had been in the streets following his pupil collapsed he decided to pursue his own career at Music and Rap.

In age 15, he found he had an outstanding capacity at coping with words and he used this with songs to locate his ideal market, in age 20 he had been ready and mastered the art of verbal makeup. According to the source, he had been motivated by the work of musicians such as Jay-Z and worked toward developing a repertoire equally as powerful. Furthermore, he's played at popular places like Sob's, Don Hills, Temple, and opened for Interscope artist Rich Boy.

This past year, Fred published two hugely powerful and acclaimed mixtapes branded They Call Me the Flow and American Gangster.

Having this kind of succeeding, he purchased a studio and spent his money to promotional instruments and trying new management, Fred has effectively produced a prime environment to keep on honing his craft, as a badly devoted artist. Together with his rough youth he endured from Kidney disease, Asthma, and Diabetes by a really young age.

He had been born on January 1, 1985, also out of South Bronx, New York, United States, and has been 35 years old at 2020. But, there's very little info regarding his father, mother, and sisters.

He had been in a relationship with his spouse LeeAnn Jemmott who's a make-up artist. She advised to XXL Magazine later Fred confessed to the hospital which"He's fighting and he's winning. He's got no indication of disease. His heart is strong and functioning well. His kidneys are changed, but as of now, he's begun dialysis to wash out the toxins from his bloodstream. Fred will make it. God is great! ."

On April 12th she shared that a post on Instagram and composed"So for all those, I did not respond to... hope you know...Continue praying for Fred's full healing."

Estimated Net Worth of him is USD 4 Million at 2020.

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