Galyn Görg Wiki, Bio, Age, Husband, Net Worth, Kids, Family

 Galyn Görg was born on July 15, 1964, also from Los Angeles, California, U.S.. She was an American actress and dancer, best known for her role in the movie, RoboCop two as Angie.

On July 15th she passed away at age 56 after fighting with cancer, on July 14, the day before her birthday she expired. Gorg's sister wrote on Facebook,"My sister says that she needs a miracle, please. Prayers."

Galyn is the very best know for her roles in Robocop 2 and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, she also starred in M.A.N.T.I.S., one of the first Black superhero television series at which she starred as Lt. Leora Maxwell, in addition to the films, Point Break and summertime.

However, she due to appear in the 2021 film Teller's Camp. What's more, Gorg was due to appear at RoboDoc: The Creation of Robocop, a documentary about the iconic science-fiction franchise. According to the source, her role was Angie, that had been addicted to the film's fictional drug Nuke.

Afterwards, in her career, she appeared in shows like Fantastico and Canale 5.

Just how old was Galyn Görg? She had been born on July 15, 1964, and out of Los Angeles, California, U.S, her age was 56 during her time of departure.

Her mum, Gwyndolin Lee Görg is a writer, storyteller, and teacher, her Father, Alan Kent Görg is a film-maker, writer and educator.

She was raised in the state of Hawaii and majored in liberal arts at Santa Monica City College.

She was married to Alan Görg's and worked as a producer on her husband projects, the drama Earth Spirit (2006), the short drama Techqua Ikachi: Aboriginal Warning (2008), and the musical comedy Hollywood Love (2011).

Net Worth
Estimated Net Worth of her is under inspection. She stands 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighs about 56KG.

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