Maya Harris Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Husband Tony West, Net Worth

 Maya Harris was Created on January 30, 1967, and out of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, U.S.. She's an American attorney, public policy advocate, and television commentator. Furthermore, she's the very best know as the sister of Kamala Harris.

Kamala was declared as former vice president Joe Biden's running mate for the 2020 United States presidential election on August 11, 2020, becoming the first African American and the first Asian American to be chosen as the running mate of a significant party's presidential candidate.

She attended the University of California, Berkeley in 1989 and registered in Stanford Law School. Furthermore, after receiving her J.D. degree from Stanford Law School, Harris served as a law clerk for United States District Court Judge James Ware from the Northern District of California.

Afterward, she served in the criminal and civil lawsuit at San Francisco law firm of Jackson Tufts Cole & Black, LLP. Maya then served as a law professor in the University of San Francisco School of Law and taught contract law in New College of California School of Law and Lincoln Law School of San Jose.

In her career, she served as Executive Director of the Northern California American Civil Liberties Union and she had been the Northern California director for No on 54, the campaign to defeat Proposition 54, which sought to end affirmative action in the nation in 2003.

In 2015, she had been appointed as a member of three senior policy advisors to lead the development of a schedule for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign and was a senior fellow at the middle for American Progress.

Since 2008, Maya has been Vice President for Democracy, Rights, and Justice in the Ford Foundation. Recently, she served as campaign chairwoman for her sister Kamala Harris's 2020 campaign for presidentuntil the campaign's suspension.

As an author, she composed down two publications including a report highlighting community-centered policing practices nationally and an advocacy manual for police reform. Back in June, she released her first children's book about both sisters, titled Kamala and Maya's Big Idea.


She had been born on January 30, 1967, and out of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, U.S, she is 53 years old at 2020.

She is the daughter of Donald Harris (Father) and Shyamala Gopalan Harris (Mother). Her mom passed away in 2009 and she had been a breast cancer researcher who emigrated from Chennai, India. Maya's dad was a Jamaican economics professor.

Her sister Kamala Harris born on October 20, 1964, she's an American politician and lawyer.


She's married to Tony West in July 1998 and they discuss a girl called Meena Harris who graduated from Stanford in 2006 and from Harvard Law School in 2012.

Image Source: Maya Harris Instagram

Maya and Tony first meet at Stanford Law School and the age of 17, she gave birth to her only child, Meena Harris.

Web Worth

Estimated Net Worth of her is under review. She stands 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighs around 57Kg.

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