Zumret Dawut Wiki [Uighur Muslim], Bio, Age, Husband, Family

 Zumret Dawut is 38 years old Uighur Woman out of China's far-western Xinjiang area, she had been born and raised in Urumqi, employed as a shuttle dealer between Urumqi and Pakistan.

In an interview, she stated had shackles on her wrists and legs along with four cameras watching her every movement. "My five-year-old daughter went with me -- she couldn't sleep without me," she tearfully recalls. "I had been worrying so much about my kids, my loved ones, my home."

Zumret has spent more than two months caged in a hellish're-education' camp at China.
Zumret Dawut has talked about the horror in Tthe concentration camp.

Then, she had been interrogated for hours about her travel history, monetary transactions and calls to and from different nations, during that time she had been conducting an import-export company with her husband while increasing their three young children.

She has spent two weeks in a camp along with her eventual release, where her nightmare continued when she had been anesthetized, along with her fallopian tubes were tied by Han physicians in an irreversible surgery, despite promising officers she and her husband would have no more kids.

Furthermore, she was bombarded alongside hundreds of thousands of others in China's horrific're-education' camps. However, what exactly was her Crime? She had been traveling overseas and receiving international telephone calls and bank transfers while running a company with her husband.

After she was arrested, Zumret spent just two weeks chained up in a detention camp in Urumqi in China's far-western Xinjiang region.

While she underwent the daily brainwashing and survived on the minimal food provided to her husband Imran was busy tracking down her whereabouts and getting out her, a process during which, he says, he became witness to the systematic repression targeted at Uyghurs which has intensified so considerably in the past 3 decades.

Three times a week, she was being pumped into her arm and after which time that her periods stopped.
China is injecting mystery injections to reduce Uighur births, Zumret revealed that after injecting her period was ceased, she advised"They used to inject a kind of liquid in our arms weekly," and"We did not understand what it was. They stated the injection would prevent illness. But after the injection, your period just ceased."

"There were several women who had just given birth at home. We can see their mother's milk leaking through their shirts," According to TheSun.com.

An investigation conducted by AP, "The country regularly subjects minority women to pregnancy tests, and forces intrauterine devices, sterilization and even abortion hundreds of thousands."

The Chinese government is taking steps to make sure a fall in the birthrate amongst the Uighurs within a effort to curb its Muslim population whilst inviting the Han majority in the nation to have more children.

According to the study by Jamestown.org, reveals a fall in Uighur births in Hotan and Kashgar by 60 percent from 2015-2018.

The Uighurs are a mostly Turkic-speaking Muslim ethnicity with their own culture. Around 11 Million reside in Xinjiang and its the Uyghur Autonomous Region.


She's married to Pakistani businessman Imran Muhemmed at 2005. The couple has three children together.

According to Zumret, the authorities asked her about her marriage to a female and her cash transfers with Pakistan, prior to sending her into camp.

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