Casey William Kelley Wiki, Bio, Age: Purchased Porsche Using Fake Check

 Casey William Kelley is 42 years old from Florida, he has purchased a new Porsche with a test he printed onto a home computer.

On July 27th, Casey used the false $139,203.05 banknote at a Porsche dealership in Destin, Okaloosa County. Additionally, he did not stop there and also the afternoon after getting the Porsche, Kelley used another fake test to buy three Rolex watches, according to the police report.

Additionally, he typed out the note for $61,521 and used it in a jeweler in Miramar Beach. Casey admitted to printing the checks on his home computer, but he didn't believe it was a big deal. However, the jewellery store kept the watches until they could figure out if his check would clear and they learned from the bank on Wednesday that the test was a fake and subsequently contacted authorities.

The bank also purportedly maintained they got a number of bad checks from Kelley. On Wednesday, he had been taken into custody and detained for the Porsche incident. Investigators say Kelley admitted he did not receive the notes out of the lender and"Casey stated he did not understand what the big deal was, which since it was his own account number on the check that he printed out, it ought to be fine."

Curently, he is being held at the Walton County Jail on a charge each of grand theft of a motor vehicle and fraud -- uttering forged bills, checks, drafts, or notes.

Kelley had a first look on Thursday, and the other hearing is set for September 22. There is currently no attorney of record.

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