Elijah Daniel Wiki, Age, Height, Bio, Husband, Net Worth

 Elijah Daniel was Created on January 9, 1994, Also out of Detroit, Michigan, U.S.. He's an American comedian, rapper, record producer, songwriter, and writer. What's more, Daniel climbed to fame following his satirical social networking articles.

Elijah Daniel aka Lil Phag submitted a lengthy ribbon on Twitter accusing film director Bryan Singer of conducting a sex ring with largely provincial boys on Wednesday.

Since 1997, Bryan Singer was accused of sexual attack numerous occasions and at 2015, he had been accused of conducting a'sordid sex ring' at a suit. On June 24, Elijah Daniel Tweeted"F*** it" Daniel stated within a Twitter ribbon Wednesday. "Nobody wants to say it : Bryan Singer remains working a sex ring, and has been around for 2 decades."

Afterwards, he published a string of tweets on he's ongoing it after being captured, now using youthful influencers, Daniel stated. What's more, Daniel explained that the singer is remaining beneath the radar by targeting influencers rather than youthful celebrities.

In addition, Elijah Daniel reported he was approached by one of singer's sex ring recruiters, he tweeted"that I was approached by one of Bryan's friends & alleged aide who stated that he was 22, in about 2015-2016, we spoke for a little, and he then asked if I wanted to move to Hawaii with his buddy Bryan. Instant no. I searched and discovered himhe was 32."

Daniel began rapping under the title Lil Phag in late 2017, he's a favorite comedian and audio producer. Additionally, he rose to fame as the writer of this sensual novel Trump Temptations.

In 2017, he wrote a satirical version of the Christian bible which depicted Rihanna as God and Donald Trump as Satan. While Amazon instantly prohibited the selling of this publication on its own site, Daniel managed to create sales through other sites.

Additionally, he also makes music and a number of his greatest hits include paths entitled"Elton John,""Clout 9," and"Rick and Morty."

In December 2018he also released his debut album, God Hates Lil Phag. Aside from this, e is part of the EDM/Pop behave adam&steve along with fiancé, Dr. Woke. Daniel also won the award for the Best Comedian with collaborator Christine Sydelko in the 9th Shorty Awards.

How outdated is Elijah Daniel? He had been born on January 9, 1994, also out of Detroit, Michigan, U.S, his age is 26 years old at 2020. But, there's very little info regarding his father and mother but has Eight Siblings.

He had been raised as an evangelical Christian, at an Instagram post-Daniel reported that his dad is a Pastor and his family accepted his queer identityhe explained.

Daniel is Gay and he also announced his engagement to boyfriend Sam, professionally called Dr. Woke at January 2019.

Boyfriend Sam

Web Worth
Estimated Net Worth of him is 210K USD as of 2020. He stands 5 feet 9 inches tall and weighs about 80KG.

Full Title: Elijah Daniel
College: NA

Height: 5 ft 9 inches tall
Weight: 80 KG
Eye Color: Brown
Hair colour: Brown
Marital Status: Married
Age: 26 years old at 2020

Hobbies: Music and Meditation


Father: NA
Mother: NA
Siblings: Eight
Relatives: Can upgrade shortly.

Relationships, Affairs, Relationship

Boyfriend Title: Sam aka Dr. Woke
Dating: NA
Children: No

Web Worth

Net value: $210K USD as of 2020

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