Kristy Ann Wilker: Indian Nurse Fired From Job: Wiki, Bio, Age, Family, Facts

 In the video, she clarified that"Black privilege is believing that you are entitled to something because of the color of skin." Afterwards, she included"They -- people, Black people especially do get special scholarships. They're also shielded from a great deal of scrutinies because of the colour of the skin."

What's more, in the video, she said"I'm not a racist," and added"I would never take care of any individual otherwise, I wouldn't ever deal with any human being otherwise. I believe God loves everybody. I am on precisely the exact same page. However, I do not feel that any race is over scrutiny, such as Black people."

Kristy then made comments about the death of George Floyd, she explained his reason for death was ruled as"asphyxia from continual forceful pressure," according to an independent autopsy requested by Floyd's family. Afterwards, the Nurse said"Some things will always be. I've never been a part of captivity. I really don't know anything about that. I am not raising children who understand anything about that. You don't know anything about that. So, let's not pretend that our background -- that background -- not even ours because we're taking things from background, right? Teddy Roosevelt? So, let's not pretend like that has some reflection on today's society."

However, after her movie went viral that a Twitter campaign pushed for Kristy to be fired from her job, as a consequence of the Lutheran Hospital affirmed to Raw Story on Wednesday that"the person who posted those comments" is no longer used by the institution.

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