Martin Carpentier Wiki, Bio, Age: Romy Carpentier & Norah Carpentier Father

 Martin Carpentier is 44 years old and has been linked to the death of his daughters Romy Carpentier, 6, and Norah Carpentier, 11. On Saturday, i.e July 11th, police-reported the deaths of two missing young women and their bodies had been found in a wooded area of Saint-Apollinaire.

Curently, authorities are continuing to look for Martin Carpentier, and officials are tracking a densely wooded region in Saint-Agapit--Saint-Apollinaire and have established that the 10-kilometer radius perimeter there. Authorities are asking people to stay away from the website.

Martin Carpentier Wife

Police spokesperson Sgt. Ann Mathieu said"For the moment, we have not found Martin Carpentier, nor have we noticed Martin Carpentier, but everything suggests that we are at the nerve center of the search," and added,"It was really not beneficial."

Afterwards, Mathieu said"We're actively exploring on the ground" and said,"The best way to help the police officers is to honor the operation taking place at Saint-Apollinaire, to remain in their own properties, do their daily activities, and if there's any information, go let's , but don't go on the site at which police officers are functioning ."

Martin Carpentier Was Last Seen Wearing a Grey T-Shirt.
He was last seen wearing a grey T-shirtjeans, and might be wearing eyeglasses. According to the report, he steps approximately five feet 10 inches tall and weighs 130 lbs. Police believe Carpentier likely abducted his brothers in Lévis, Que.

Bernard Ouellet, mayor of Saint-Apollinaire, said the event has shocked the province, he said"Everybody has tears in their eyes. This isn't easy for anyone," he told The Canadian Press on Saturday.

Furthermore, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted about the young women late Saturday, writing that all Canadians were maintaining the household in their thoughts.

Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante wrote on Twitter"It is a (tragedy) of unthinkable pain which strikes Quebec. My heart is broken for youthful Romy and Norah. All my thoughts go out to family and loved ones."

Their bodies were found a few minutes apart from a wooded area of Saint-Apollinaire after three days.

Several GoFundMe fundraisers have also been organized to encourage the mother.

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