Shannan Gilbert Wiki, Biography, Age, Driver Michael Pak, Sister

 Shannan Gilbert was created October 24, 1986, and that she was 25 years old throughout her time of departure. She had been the girl of Mari Gilbert who had been an American Activist, Shannan was among the fourth kids of Mari and her afterward Boyfriend.

From the New Netflix film"Lost Girls" it reveals how Shannan was murdered and its according to a terrifying true story about a serial killer in Long Island.

Shannan Gilbert was put in foster care together with three sisters. At the foster care, she finished her High school at New Paltz, Ulster County in 16 years old and after graduating she'd many strange Jobs to earn very a while.

But during this time her two youngest sisters moved back into her mum's home and she and Sarra abandoned foster care. Shannan was employed as a hotel receptionist, Applebee's hostess, and a bite prepper in a senior center.

Like her sister Sarra, she was also afflicted by psychological illness which grown in foster care. Shannan Gilbert suffered from bipolar illness and she stopped taking her medicine after graduating from High school and maintained it gave her shakes. In 2007, she transferred to New Jersey with her Boyfriend (title not available) and combined Escort.

She provided her support for $200.00 an hour and placed an Ad to the Craigslist site. She'd keep two-third of cash and the other third paid for her motorist called Michael Pak. 1 night she'd make about $600 USD and utilized to shell out money to purchase a costly present to her sisters as well as their sons.

Back in May 2010, Joseph Brewer hired her from Craiglist site and he had been from Oak Beach, Long Island home. So, Shannan went along with her Michael Pak who was able to work with her, then she went indoors and Pak remained outside the home.

After couple of Hours Joseph Brewer who hired off her came out and called the motorist since Shannan behaved erratically and she called 911 from his home around midnight but she did not show her precise location to the dispatcher since she did not understand after being pushed by Michael Pak.

Throughout the dialogue with 911, she said someone was following her. "They are trying to kill me," she explained on the telephone. Afterwards, she pounded to the Neighbours door about 5 a.m and cried"help me" And opened the door.

Afterward, she moved to a different neighbor's house, Barbara Brennan stated she had been there around 5:21 a.m. and knocked on her door but Shannan ran away following Barbara called 911 and that was the final minute Shannan wasn't seen again.

In 2011, Shannan's body has been located on Jones Beach Island. The Authorities confirmed that she had been the victim of an accidental drowning but Mari denied that this Autopsy report and maintained that she had been murdered and desired her death to be reinvestigated as a homicide.

Afterwards, Mari hired a lawyer John Ray and they hired a medical examiner, Michael Baden, to run a personal autopsy. He discovered that there were indications of homicide from strangulation and she had been discovered face-up, which is improbable in the case of drowning.

Dr. Michael M. Baden reported that the larynx was lost along with also a hyoid bone was lost"horns," which may occur in the event of strangulation.

On July 23, 2016, Mari Gilbert was Located dead in her youngest daughter Sarra's House.
Mari has been knifed her mum to death on June 23, 2016, in her flat on Warren Street at Ellenville, New York. Mari was murdered annually after the household had a funeral for Shannan after the individual autopsy at March 2015.

In the Mari autopsy report, it demonstrates that Sarra stabbed her mum over 200 times and struck on her with a fire pit and sprayed her with foam. According to the police, Sara was mad about her mum after she phoned the police when Sarra drowned the pup and had temporary custody of Sarrah's son.

In 2007, she had been detained and charged using second-degree murder and sentenced to 25 years to her parole eligibility date is 05/26/2041. Sarra was diagnosed with schizophrenia and after she explained on her Boyfriend that she was planning to kill her son.

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