Tera Chavez Biography: Levi Chavez Wiki, Bio, Age, Wife

 Tera Chavez expired on 22nd October 2007 at Los Lunas, New Mexico, United States, she was 26 years old throughout her time of death and according to the record she died from a gunshot wound from her husband's service weapon.

Levi Chavez is the Husband of Tera, also he had been a police officer with the Albuquerque Police Department. Curently, he is from the media headlines as Dateline NBC explored on its installment"The Officer's Wife."

Who had been Tera Chavez?

She was the wife and mother of two, on October 22, 2007, she had been discovered dead, Levi called 911, then said them she committed suicide, and during that time Levi Chavez was a police officer at Albuquerque, New Mexico.

At first Tera's death was thought to be a suicide but in the investigation, it came to know that Levi murdered her.

Curently, he has been charged with the 2007 departure of his 26-year-old wife, Tera Chavez. In 2011, he had been charged with her murder and was acquitted of the murder charges at August 2013.

Levi and Heather Hindi got married after two weeks following Tera Chavez's death i.e in July 2008, the footage from Tera's funeral showed that Hindi was current at the time and even helped move her things from the family home after her death.

Tera Chavez Wife Heather Hindi

The Way Tera Chavez Meet Levi Chavez?
Back in 2000, the duo got married and moved to Virginia and she served Coast Guard for few years before moving back to New Mexico, where Levi Chavez became a police officer with the Alburquerque Police Department.

Back in Mexico, Tera registered at a barber college but their connection was facing a few issues, according to her household Levi was cheating on his wife and her father Joseph Cordova said in an interview "The culture that we grew up in, his family was out of law enforcement. We always thought,'He will look after her. '''

Meanwhile, Tera was intending to start a salon of her own and has been found dead just two days until she had an appointment to meet a landlord. Her sister-in-law, Gina Cordova said that "Tera was ready to be done with her marriage and she was making strategies," she explained.

In 2013, NBC reported that Levi Chavez was arrested for the murder of his wife and had been found not guilty, then Prosecutors alleged that Tera was killed in part because she found out he'd supposedly committed insurance fraud involving a truck that he maintained was stolen and could have served as a possible witness.

Tera Chavez Family

She had been born to Joseph Cordova (Father) and Theresa Cordova (Mother), Tera had a twin brother, named Josh along with also a younger brother, Aaron.

Tera's family believes she did not die by suicide and her twin brother Joseph Cordova explains during the episode of Accident, Suicide, or Murder airs on Oxygen "I could not see Tera's children growing up and believing,'Mama left us. We were not good enough for Mama. '''

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